This article originally appeared in the Bristol Daily Courier - May, 1959.

Bristol NIKE Base Plans Guided Tours

Armed Forces Day will be celebrated on Saturday, at the Bristol NIKE Base. A display of the missiles and radar equipment will be presented to guests and the guided tours of the facilities of the site will be conducted from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This will be a good chance to see part of hte NIKE Defense in action and get an idea of what is taking place to assist in the protection of the Delaware Valley. Qualified guides will lecture on all phases of the operation of NIKE and will answer questions guests may have.

The Bristol NIKE Base is located on Ford Road near hte Bristol Farmers Market. Visitors are requested to come to the area between Ford Road and the Turnpike, where all groups will be assembled and tours will be started.
Website created by Chris Milewski to preserve the history of PH-15.